WG Safety & Environmental

We are centrally located in Cannock, Staffordshire and provide Health, Safety and Environmental consultancy throughout the UK and Europe since 2004. We have a team of highly competent and professional Consultants, many of which are members of IOSH, IIRSM, IEMA, IOA, RSC, BOHS, IFireE, CIPD, and a number who are OSHCR Registered.

We deliver a broad spectrum of Health & Safety and Environmental support services, as well as niche occupational hygiene, explosive atmosphere (DSEAR) and other specialist services such as fire risk, electromagnetic field (EMF) & hand arm vibration/noise at work assessments from our “one stop shop”. This avoids you using a multitude of different suppliers. We are also expert at helping organisations implement and successfully achieve ISO 45001.

Multi-Sector Experience

We have multi-sector experience in logistics & distribution, manufacturing, pharmaceutical, foundries & forging industries, chemicals & metals, retail outlets, education, leisure, construction, waste recycling, food manufacture, housing, recruitment, aviation, vehicle manufacture and automotive supply chain.

  • We’re reliable, we have great working relationships with our clients and a high retention rate.
  • We react very quickly to client demands.
  • We have excellent customer feedback on the quality of our work.
  • We pride ourselves on our work, and all the images used on this site are a snapshot of what we do, reproduced with client permissions.
  • Please contact us to see how we can make a difference to your business.
a person and person wearing safety vests and helmets