Health & safety management is the evaluation of any risks within the workplace, mapping out control measures and putting in place regular effective monitoring where employees and/or others might be harmed by the activities, use of work-based materials, and any product development.

Health And Safety Management

Centrally located in Wolverhampton, West Midlands, we have a successful track record of providing tailored task-based risk assessments for a wide range of multi-sector clients in logistics & distribution, manufacturing, pharmaceutical, foundries & forging industries, chemicals & metals, retail outlets, education, leisure, construction, waste recycling, food manufacture, housing, recruitment, aviation, vehicle manufacture and automotive supply chain across the UK. This includes Control of Substances Hazardous to Health (COSHH) assessments, fire risk assessments and Dangerous Substance and Explosive Atmosphere Assessments (DSEAR).

We offer a professional health and safety competent person service, with all the expertise and knowledge needed to provide support in all aspects of health & safety implementation, monitoring and review. We implement onsite tailor-made health & safety strategies and risk management services into all areas of organisations, from senior management down to production level. With our onsite health & safety support, we can help to ensure the successful integration of health & safety into the core areas of your company and organisation.

Risk Management Services

Our health & safety services include a competent person service, monthly legal register update services, task-based risk assessments, fire risk assessment services, DSEAR assessments, COSHH assessments & any other tailored support that you may require. All assessments are carried out to the latest industry standards and government guidelines. We also have many years of experience of successfully implementing streamlined safety management systems within businesses.

Our nationwide Health and Safety management services include:

  • Health & Safety Competent Person Service
  • Legal Register Update Service
  • Task-Based Risk Assessments
  • Fire Risk Assessments
  • Dangerous Substances & Explosive Atmosphere Assessments (DSEAR)
  • COSHH Assessments
  • Tailored Health & Safety Support
  • ISO 45001 Implementation

Please contact us to discuss our range of services provided to businesses across the UK.